How to Clean a Range Hood [Step by Step Guide]

How to Clean a Range Hood

Most of us install many of the appliances in our homes and kitchen for convenience in our work. But our work is affected when these appliances are unable to provide us required results and most of the time the main reason is our negligence towards the maintenance of the devices. Here we are going to discuss the cleanliness of one of the most used kitchen devices that is a Greasy Range Hood.

For a long time, you haven’t clean your range hood. So, it’s time to cleanup! Do not hesitate because cleaning a range hood fan or filters is not a difficult task. With the help of warm water, baking soda, detergent, or de-greasing dish soap, you can get your task done effectively in a short time.

The accurate way to clean an Oleaginous Range Hood

The range hood has taken a focal place in the kitchen as it adds style and look to the kitchen. If the interior, exterior and filters are well cleaned, it looks and feels well to a random guest visitor. In the opposite case, it does not leave a positive image. And if we want our investment long-lasting, we should clean it regularly. We just need some tools or supplies to clean the range hood properly. Have a look at the tools required:

  • Warm or Boiling Water
    Normal or cold water makes our process of cleaning tough because it requires a lot of scrubbing, while hot water cuts off the grease and duct layers easily.
  • Kitchen Gloves
    It’s necessary to put on thick kitchen gloves that protect your hands to be greasy and as wellas from warmwater. Additionally, also protects your hands from something pointing.
  • Baking Soda
    It is the most common element present in our kitchens. Its mixture is also effective in cleaning hard stains.
  • Degreasing Soap
    You may use detergent or any other liquid soap but always keep in your mind that it should contain degreasing elements.
  • Sponge or a soft-bristled Brush
    A sponge or soft-bristled brush is highly recommended so that your device may not get any scratches.
  • Kitchen Towel or Cotton paper
    We use a kitchen towel or cotton paper to wipe out the detergent or soap and we also use them to dry the device and its parts.

Directions to clean Range Hood Filters

We can clean our range hood filters very easily by following the given steps:

Pulling out the Filters
Filters are very easy to remove, just slide it slightly, or in some range hoods we have to push them and filters are out. It’s better to cover your stovetop before removing filters so that it may not get dirty.

A Bucket full of Boiling Water
You must take a bucket of large size that filters can be easily placed in it. Fill it with hot water. The hottest the water, the easiest would be the work.

Making the mixture of Baking Soda
Now add almost two handfuls of baking soda to hot water. And infuse the filters in the mixture for half an hour.

If you want to do your procedure effortlessly in no time then you should add the detergent or dish wash along with baking soda, in a handsome amount. Soak the filters for 10-15 minutes in the mixture. Make sure the filters are properly dipped in the soloution.

Cleansing of filters
We have three options for cleansing the filters. You may select one which suits your budget or according to the condition of the filters.

  • Now with the help of a sponge or brush, you have to scrub the filters deeply. The mixture of baking soda and hot water involves hard scrub until it cleans well.
  • While the mixture with dish wash needs not so much hard scrubbing and the process will be done in just minutes. It takes less time and effort as compared to the first one described.
  • If you are using degreasing dish wash, you can soak filters only for 10-15 minutes in hot water. The addition of baking soda is not essential with degreasing dish wash. It will give you the rapid and best result.

Rinsing with Hot Water
After scrubbing, rinse the filters comprehensively in hot water.

Dry the Filters
With the help of a kitchen towel or cotton paper dry the filters. Now the filters are ready to be placed back.

Cleansing the Interior and Exterior of the Range Hood

After the removal and soaking of the filters, you have some time to clean the interior. It would be better to use a vacuum to accumulate the dust, especially from the crooks. If you have no vacuum then it’s ok, just wipe out all the dust with a dry cloth.

Now take a kitchen towel soaked with hot detergent water. Clean the interior properly. Make sure to wipe out all the tough grease stains also. Using paper cotton dries the whole interior. Now you can place back the filters carefully and it’s done.

The same procedure would be carried out while cleaning the exterior body. First,clean it with a dry cloth and then wipe it out with a wet kitchen towel. If your exterior is greasy, spray the mixture of hot water and detergent. Use a sponge to clean it and dry it with cotton paper.

How to clean a Range Hood Fan

If you are cleaning your filters regularly, then there would be no need to clean your fan or blower. However, if it’s required to clean the fan then carry out the procedure described below:

  • First, you need to remove the blower from the range hood. You must need a screwdriver to unscrew the nuts. It’s important to keep nuts ina safe place, not to be lost. Also, remember the right and left blower, because their work and rotation are accordingly.
  • Now, remove the fan blades with great care, not to hurt yourself. If fan blades are dishwasher friendly, put them in the sink and wash them with hot tap water. In another situation, soak the fan blades in hot water. Add any detergent or dish wash liquid of your choice, along with baking soda. Leave it for 20-30 minutes.
  • Scrub the fan blades with a sponge and wipe the detergent foam with a clean soft wet cloth.
  • Let the fan blades dry.
  • Screw the fan blades with the blower and place back the blowers. Keep in mind to place the right blower to the right side and the left blower to the left side. It’s done!

The process to Clean up Charcoal Filters of a Range Hood

Always keep in your mind that charcoal filters are not washable. Never wash them with water and soap, as it would affect their ability to filter the air and smoke. If your filters are completely polluted, then change the filters.

However, if you want to clean them anyway then, use a non-abrasive brush to clean the dust and grease gently. Rinse with hot water and let them dry in the fresh air. Now put them back to their place.

When does a Range Hood need cleaning?

If your cooking includes most frying and heavy smoke items, then you should clean the filters after one month, otherwise, you must clean them every six months. Regular cleaning makes your device work efficiently.

Bottom Line
Most of us think that the process of cleaning a range hood is a challenging job. Yes, it is, if we clean it with insufficient tools and supplies. However, if you carry out the cleaning process as we have described, then it is not tough at all. It will take less of your time and gives a remarkable result to your range hood. Repeat the process periodically, and get rid of the disgusting smell and grease.

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