What Is A Range Hood Recirculation Kit?

What Is A Range Hood Recirculation Kit

For the conversion of ducted range hoods to ductless versions, recirculating kits are significantly used. This kit has become an essential accessory for venting all odor, smoke, and cooking fumes from your kitchen. The whole kit is composed of charcoal filters and stainless steel vent.

Here you can know the details on what is a range hood recirculation kit! Most importantly, this kind of kit is usually installed on the top section of your range hood. This way, it gets easy for the kit to recirculate air back into your kitchen workspace. Moreover, the installation procedure of all recirculation kits is not the same. Do go through their manual to have a proper understanding of their installation procedure.

Working Of Range Hood Ductless Conversion Kit

The working mechanism of recirculating kits is straightforward. First of all, the range hood blower manages to pull the air through the hood. That air moves through your hood and then eventually crosses through charcoal filters. This whole process cleans your kitchen air. Finally, the air successfully moved up the chimney and vented out.

Furthermore, range hood recirculating kits remove unwanted contaminants as well as strong odors from your kitchen. In other words, their presence becomes neutralized, and you get a healthy working environment in your kitchen.

Components Of A Typical Range Hood Recirculating Kit 

A typical looking range hood recirculating kit is generally composed of carbon filters, clamps. In addition, it comprises deflector and mounting material. The primary function performed by carbon filters is to absorb dirt, smoke, cooking fumes, and odors that got entered into your kitchen space. Through a recirculation process, clean air is finally blown back entirely into your kitchen premises. Besides, air that is recirculated back into your kitchen is free from the presence of nasty odors and impurities.

For maintaining a recirculating kit range hood, you need to clean your carbon filters regularly. Once these filters cross their absorption limit, take them out and wash them in the dishwasher. The regular maintenance of carbon filters improves indoor air quality for sure. Many recirculating kits are available in black powder coats, white powder coats, or stainless steel powder coats. Most of the manufacturers offer one year of limited warranty time on materials and workmanship.

How To Purchase A Range Hood Recirculating Kit?

Certain factors carry utmost significance regarding buying a recirculating kit. So, keep in mind these factors and end up buying a correct recirculating kit for your range hood:

Compatibility Factor

Look for a recirculating kit that is compatible and attuned with your range hood model. It is useless investing in a recirculating kit that does not match and work in sync with your hood model. Moreover, the factor of compatibility avoids complications during venting and suction functions. Remember that none of the kits is available in a one-size-fits-all version. Here the installation process matters a lot regarding how professionally and properly you install this recirculating kit! It is better to get in touch with a professional before buying a recirculating kit and installing it in your range hood. Such consultation may help you purchase a kit that fully conforms to your range hood design properties.

Type Of Filter: Aluminum Mesh Filter Or Carbon Filter

None of the recirculating kits comes without a filter! There are various types of filters, and you need to determine which filter type suits your range hood model. Primarily, we have two basic filter types, and they are aluminum mesh filters, carbon or charcoal filters. Most importantly, aluminum mesh filters are washable. You can remove, wash and clean them conveniently. Such a filter type is dishwasher-friendly as well. Carbon filters are completely non-washable. They cannot be cleaned and washed. Once carbon filters reach their limit, you need to replace them and get a new set for your recirculating kit.

Efficiency Factor

Invest in a recirculating kit that shows efficient operations. It should not harm the efficiency of your range hood as well. If your recirculating kit is installed correctly, then the factor of seamless efficiency can be ensured. There is a chance that desired performance may not be witnessed if the recirculating kit and range hood are incompatible.

How To Install Recirculating Kit For Range Hood?

Below we have penned down the instructions regarding installing a recirculating kit in your range hood:

  1. The packaging content includes air defector, carbon or charcoal filter, and two assembly screws.
  2. The first step is to fix the duct cover bracket on the ceiling. You can go through the installation instructions mentioned in the hood manual and see how the duct cover bracket is installed.
  3. Furthermore, start assembling the air deflector, fix them on the duct cover bracket with the help of 2 assembly screws.
  4. Once you have taken the dimensions, cut the ductwork and uninstall the air deflector by completely removing those two assembly screws.
  5. Now, you can slip the duct exactly onto the bottom section of the deflector. Make sure to mount the assembled deflector as well as ductwork properly over the exhaust outlet.
  6. Make use of good-quality duct tape to close the deflector and the exhaust outlet. Lastly, it would help if you used approved duct tape for this sealing purpose.
  7. This is how you install recirculating kit in your range hood.

More Facts On Recirculating Kits

Ductless recirculating vents pull air, smoke, and cooking fumes through a filter. They later on exhaust and recirculate the air back into your kitchen. Furthermore, these kinds of vents do not exhaust conditioned air and end up making your kitchen a more energy-efficient cooking workspace.

Vent hoods are required by codes in California. Residents of California need to buy those vent hoods that produce 100 CFM or produce five air exchanges in a single hour. This has become a mandatory vent hood code requirement for residential areas and remodeled homes. Moreover, this is a compulsion for residents who have homes of 1000 square feet or larger.

Bottom lines

The guide mentioned above may have given enough comprehensive information on what is a range hood recirculation kit! The usage of this kit has become significant and extremely paramount when your range hoods fail to vent outside. Moreover, these recirculating kits convert ducted range hoods into ductless versions. This way, all warm air can instantly be filtered and also recirculated back into the kitchen.

In addition, the effectiveness and efficiency of recirculating kit can be guaranteed if it is compatible with your range hood model. To know more about recirculating kits, keep tuned with us. You can share with us what kind of recirculating kit you use and which installation method you have followed! In your kitchen up-gradation process, investing in a high-end recirculating kit has become essential. Apart from venting air outside, it needs to be recirculated back, so that clean air surrounds your kitchen. This is the primary reason that recirculating kits are massively used residentially and commercially.

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